Emagine Solutions Technology

Both the University of Arizona Center for Innovation and UA Tech Park have assisted in moving our company forward by providing access to experts in the field, including mentors and business experts that have helped us understand how to overcome obstacles as entrepreneurs and to be able to push our ideas and innovations forward into the marketplace.

- Courtney Williams, CEO & Co-founder


Team SGNT is honored to make the University of Arizona Center for Innovation our new home. The breadth of facilities and services that are offered fall right in line with our company’s current goals and needs. As a startup, having access to all that the University of Arizona has to offer gives us a better spring board to our future success. We greatly appreciate the help and dedication to our success that we have received from the entire team at the University of Arizona Center for Innovation.

- Emil Tremblay, CEO & Co-founder


UACI provides me with expert business coaching that illuminates my blind spots. After nearly four years of coaching, I stay with UACI because of the value provided by my mentor Steve Wood.

- Richard Austin, President / CEO